Blackjack ‘ed’

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“I know why he’s taking our picture…”
“He’ll put our picture in his phone which has a thing called facebook”
“What’s that?”
“I see grown-ups staring at facebook all the time. They keep going down and then they keep going up”
“Really?….ask him”
“You’ll put our picture on facebook..isn’t it?”
Me : “No”
“Don’t lie”
Me : “Why should I lie?”
“What will you do with the picture then?”
Me : “……………………………Nothing”
“Show us facebook on your phone”
Me : “I’ll put your picture on my blog”
“What’s that?”
Me : “A blog….”
“You’re lying. He’s lying”
Me : “……………………………………”
“Facebook, right?”
Me : “Right…like facebook”

“See…I told you guys”

54 thoughts on “Blackjack ‘ed’

  1. Brilliant capture of innocence 🙂 and I have a similar story of FB and that gang had all 60+ ones. 🙂 Shows how popular it is nowadays! 🙂 Welcome Back, Arjun:)

  2. Great photo…these kids are so cool. Each one’s expression is so different and those eyes. I wonder what they would think to see themselves here? Love your story, Arjun.

  3. mi ha conquistato la piccola che si intravede in basso col sorriso furbo e l’occhio sbarazzino….certo si fa domande su facebook! immagine straordinaria

    I took the little girl that you can see at the bottom with the crafty smile and jaunty eye …. of course it asks questions on facebook! extraordinary image

    • I do what they already know, don’t know what else can I do though I wonder what choice photographers before our times had and I’m excited as well with so many taking up photography, making videos…so much to learn, keep up…Thank you my friend, your pictures and consistency is awe-inspiring !!

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